Pastoral Care - St Clement Danes School



Pastoral Care

The Sixth Form Leadership Team comprises a Director of Sixth Form/Assistant Headteacher, Mr L Arnold and two Assistant Directors , Mr Hutton (Pastoral) and Mrs O'Dowd (Academic). Day to day running of the Sixth Form is facilitated by our Administrator, Ms Annette Hrkalovic. Careers and Work Shadowing are led by Mrs Garwood-Evans, Careers Co-ordinator, and Mrs Ritchie CEIAG Administrator.

The transition from GCSE to A Level is considerable and one which requires support. Students are assigned a form tutor with whom they must register every morning and meet in mid-morning tutor sessions. Tutors provide help and advise them with future planning as well as being the first point of contact for any other concerns.  There are currently sixteen tutor groups in the Sixth Form, eight in each year group. The tutors and the Sixth Form Leadership Team meet weekly in order to share pastoral information and ensure all staff are kept up to date with Sixth Form activities. Tutors also facilitate sessions boosting students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and lead the fortnightly Personal Development programme. This is designed to broaden the students’ outlook on life and also prepare them for higher education or the world of work. The programme includes sessions on improving study skills, memory strategies, financial awareness, healthy lifestyles and a variety of pertinent cultural, religious and political issues. These sessions are often led by specialist guest speakers.

The care, guidance and support in the Sixth Form are outstanding.


There are expectations which we believe are vital for success in St Clement Danes Sixth Form and a firm set of procedures to ensure that the high standards are met at all times. Students are asked to read and agree to the terms of the Sixth Form Attendance policy during the first week in September. There is a dress code which students must follow; we expect them to look smart and business-like in preparation for the world of work. All students are expected to use their study periods effectively and complete a minimum of between five - six hours of study per subject per week; this creates a need for time to be organised carefully. We recommend that students do not engage in more than 10 hours of paid employment.

Following a major refurbishment of the Sixth Form facilities in the summer of 2016, students can find an area to work which suits their learning style. The working areas are:

  • The Silent Study Zone
  • The Quiet Zone, with access to PCs, where careers and learning skills advice is also available. This is a supervised study area.
  • The Cafe – for students who prefer to work in in a more informal environment.

Other areas where students can work are the Learning Resource Centre (LRC) and school canteen.

Students can bring their own devices in order to access the internet and the school network via the school’s Wi-Fi facility.

Some financial support is available for students in the Sixth Form at St Clement Danes through our Bursary scheme. Please read the detailed guidance provided in the information document below. Students within the Sixth Form can apply using the links contained in the document.


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